A cukorbetegség késői szövődményei – Megelőzési lehetőségek, terápiás célértékek MDT XX. Jubileumi Kongresszusa – Páciensoktatás cukorbetegeknek
Third Time Lucky Excerpts from the delivery of a seminar paper, delivered at University of Huddersfield Research conference.
Social Networking and Teens We live in a society where social networking is just a part of the everyday life. While some adults are slow to jump on the bandwagon, teenagers are ...
Words that start with Mm Words that Start with Mm
Student had preformatted PowerPoint Slides open when they came to the computer lab. Everything was in the, "Words that sta... |
RailsConf Keynote: David Heinemeier Hansson 3/9 - Accounts, Controllers and Crud With the release of Rails 1.2 we take a look back at David Heinemeier Hansson’s RailsConf keynote from Chicago.
In it, he outlines a number of issu... |